A new book in the field of signal processing is available. C. Kertesz, M. Ivanovici “Prelucrarea Digitala a Semnalelor – Indrumar de laborator”, Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov, 2009 [PDF, 584kB].
Book on DSP
October 1st, 2009ISIP 2009
October 1st, 2009MIV Imaging Venture is proud to announce the 1st edition of ISIP (International School in Image Processing), which will take place in Brasov, between 16th and 27th of November, 2009. ISIP flyer is available [PDF, 143kB].
Special mention in students’ competition
July 4th, 2009Ionel Stoica received the special mention of the jury in the student’s competition organized by our department, for his work on image segmentation using fractal analysis. See the [DIPLOMA].
Third prize in students’ competition
July 2nd, 2009Alina Colţea won the third prize in the student’s competition organized by our department, for her work on mathematical morphology for colour images. See her [DIPLOMA].
Book chapter
June 10th, 2009The chapter called “Correlating QoE and QoS for Network Applications” by M. Ivanovici and R. Beuran will be soon published in the book called “Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance, Metrics and Management”, editors: Sasan Adibi & Raj Jain, IGI-Global.
Coming soon
June 9th, 2009KERTÉSZ Csaba-Zoltán, Laurențiu-Mihail IVANOVICI, “PROCESAREA DIGITALĂ A SEMNALELOR – ÎNDRUMAR DE LABORATOR”, Universitatea TRANSILVANIA din Brașov, 2009.
Happy Easter to everyone!
April 16th, 2009Socrates bilateral agreement
March 4th, 2009A Socrates bilateral agreement was just signed between MIV Imaging Venture (Transilvania University of Brasov) and SIC (Signals, Images and Communications) Laboratory (University of Poitiers, France). The validity period of this agreement is 2009 – 2013. The agreement makes it possible for 7 Romanian students (undergraduate and Ph.D. students) to spend a couple of months in Poitiers, France, working on image and signal processing subjects of interest for the two laboratories, within the frame of Socrates Programme. For more details contact us.
Summer practice convention
March 4th, 2009A convention was just signed between MIV Imaging Venture and Infinity Design SRL, Brasov, for the summer practice of two students. The practice will be on multimedia applications, video streaming and IPTV systems.
Lecture Notes on Image Processing
February 8th, 2009Handwritten lecture notes (in Romanian) on Image Processing taken by MIV during the talks given by prof. V. Buzuloiu (LAPI, Bucuresti, Romania) in 2000-2001. [PDF, 10.7MB]